Friday, May 6, 2016

Why I'm Super Stoked for Mother's Day

Me with the men in my life!
I am so excited for Mother's Day this year! I have carefully planned my day and I think it is going to be so much fun...staying at home!

Richard has reached the terrible two stage. He doesn't misbehave when we are out, however taking him to restaurants has been very challenging because he does not want to sit still. He wants to walk around and explore. As a result, we definitely do not go out as much as we used to. Unless we go to Chick-fil-A, which has become one of our favorite places to go. 

So, I have insisted that we stay home on Mother's Day this year. I do not want to be chasing a toddler around a restaurant on the busiest restaurant day of the year. I will be making dinner, and I have insisted that I make dinner. Hubby can do the dishes. 

This is what the day is gonna look like:

-Go to Mass on Sunday morning like we always do. 
-If the weather is super beautiful, we may take Richard to a nearby park and have a small picnic. 
-Nap (When I am home Richard and I have nap time together. It gives me a chance to relax as well.)
-Make dinner (Pot-roast!!!)
-Watch Cinderella (We're renting it from Redbox). 
-Just enjoy my time with my family!

This is about as stress free as it can get! I am so excited! 

What are your plans for Mother's Day? I'd love to hear them! 

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a lovely day. :) I will be spending Mother's Day at a barbecue party with my husband's family. His mother and grandmother will be there. Not exactly relaxing, but... at least I don't have to do anything except for show up. :)

    Happy early Mother's Day!
