It's that time of year. Yup, Lent begins on Wednesday, that great day when we get ashes placed on our forehead and people then get to remind us that he have dirt on our heads. I love the reactions when I tell them that it is Ash Wednesday and that it's supposed to be there.

Even though I will be giving up coffee for a whole 40 days (give or take), I am really looking forward to Lent this year. I am hoping to utilize it as a time of penance and renewal so that I can get my life centered back on God. I wanted to focus my Lenten meditations around Saint Therese of Lisieux because I am drawn to her simplicity. She is such a beautiful person and I admire her and her family very much.

Now, I hated reading her book, Story of a Soul. I thought it was way too sweet and flowery, but that was a popular literary style for the day. I almost turned my back on this saint, until I read The Hidden Face of Therese. There is so much more to the spirituality of Therese that meets the eye. I was also introduced to her mother, Zelie, who was canonized this year!

I have a feeling that this Lenten season is going to be full of growth, which is something that I sorely need. I'll be doing a Lenten blog series, my first blog series ever, sharing my meditations and ideas as I dive into The Little Way. I hope you all will join me!

What are you doing for Lent?