Monday, February 1, 2016

February Goals

January is now at an end and it is time to set up some goals or February. I didn't do a very good job keeping my January goals, but I did manage to keep some of them.

Honestly, I could have fulfilled all of my goals if I wasn't so lazy, so I only have myself to blame. Hopefully I will have more motivation this month!

Now, February is going to be a little more hectic than January. My son's 2nd birthday is on the 26th and I have a little party that I need to plan and prep for. It's not going to be too big, just some close family over, but there is still a lot to do.

Also, Lent starts on February 10th and I'm trying to prepare for that. I still haven't figured out what I want to give up quite yet, though I am leaning towards giving up coffee...though I may change my mind!

Here are my goals:

1) Finish planning for Richard's party and make sure nothing is left to the last minute.
2) Prepare for Lent so that it will be a season full of penance and renewal.
3) Purge Richard's toys...I guess that could be considered part of party prep, but it needs to be done.
4) Reach 80 Likes on my Facebook page. (I'm currently at 75.)
5) Improve my prayer life and keep God at the center! (I'm hoping that Lent will help me with this.)

It is certainly going to be a busy month! What do you have planned?


  1. I just liked your FB page so now you're one like closer to achieving that goal. :-) Happy Birthday to your little boy! I hope you enjoy these moments with him. XOXO

  2. Hope you have a very productive February! I know I'm behind from my January goals so I need to get active in February.

  3. Great goals! My triplets will be 3 on the 26th!
