Thursday, October 8, 2015

Live Today Well

I’m reading an awesome book called Live Today Well: St.Francis de Sale’s Simple Approach to Holiness by Fr. Thomas Dailey.

Before starting this book I did not know much about Saint Francis de Sales other than the fact that he was a bishop and considered to be a Doctor of the Church. I must say that this book is an excellent way to be introduced to this gifted saint.

Saint Francis de Sales lived in the late 16th to early 17th century. He was a prolific writer and he wrote thousands of letters. Now, I would consider myself to be a mildly intelligent person (I do have a Master’s degree after all), but I do sometimes have difficulty reading the works of lofty saints who lived centuries ago. Naturally the style of writing is very different than today and I find that I have to concentrate harder when I am reading their books.

Which is why I enjoy books like Live Well Today. It’s a compilation of the highlights of the teachings of Saint Francis de Sales and I am able to read it during my free time without having to read the same paragraph over and over to make sure I comprehend the point.  

I’m trying to take it one chapter at a time, so that I can gradually integrate de Sales’ teachings into my life. Well, I failed on my first day.

Saint Francis de Sales teaches that we should offer praise to God during our morning routines, you know, to start the day off right. I thought to myself “That is a great idea! I’ll start a morning prayer routine right as I wake up in the morning.”

Fast forward to this morning and I totally forgot about my resolution. My son is not the best sleeper and he was very restless, I had to drag my butt out of bed the morning so that I could schlep my way into work, and unfortunately giving praise to God seemed to slip my mind. Epic fail.

This has kind of been a problem in my prayer life, or lack thereof. I set goals to do something like pray the Liturgy of the House, the Rosary, or Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day and I always forget! It’s gotten even worse since the birth of my first child. I need to find a way to keep God at the center of my life and not neglect my prayer life.

I was hoping this book would help remedy that, but I am off to a bad start. I need to keep trying. I guess, in the end, that is all we can do…try. 

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